Market outlook: here's to a new one!

Current development of megatrends equities

Equity investments in smart energy

Electromobility as a key component of the mobility transition

Invest in US equities

Investing in equity-ETFs with funds

A golden age for healthcare equities?

Invest in high-tech equties

Investments in funds are subject to the risk of price fluctuations and capital losses. According to its investment strategy, Index-Selection-Equity mainly invests in other investment funds. The fund Index-Selection-Equity exhibits elevated volatility, meaning that unit prices can move significantly higher or lower in short periods of time, and it is not possible to rule out loss of capital.

Our fund- and investment solutions

As diverse as the slection of our fund products is, all of them have (almost) one thing in common: they are managed according to high sustainability standards

Fondsliste Raiffeisen-Fonds

Funds search

Wide range of (sustainable) funds


Wealth Management

Exclusive service and individual solutions

Biene sammelt Nahrung in gelben Blumenfeld

Sustainable investing

Core competence sustainability

How would you like to invest your money?

The funds of Raiffeisen Capital Management offer a wide range of investment opportunities and content focus areas.

Focus on sustainability

Focus on Future Transformation Topics

Invest in Austria

Fund savings

Focus on funds with impact

Invest globally

Investing in Emerging Markets

Investing in Eastern Europe

Invest in Europe

Investing in the eurozone

Investing in Asia

Invest in North America

SME Licence Free Trade §25 PKG

Investing in dollars

Information about all funds and legally required fund documents, prices, and mandatory publications can be found under “Prices and documents”.

You would like to learn more about funds and investment?

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Fund-based saving

How does fund saving work and what counts. This is how it works!

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Financial literacy – everything about funds

What is a fund? What funds are there and what do you need to consider when investing?

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How are conditions developing on the capital markets? And what is our assessment of the current situation?