Raiffeisen Wealth Management

It takes expertise and time to invest your own assets sensibly in the long term. Or you can leave the investment to a professional asset management company. You simply set the direction – specialists take care of everything else.

If you have assets now, you should also think about the future.

For long-term financial stability and prosperity, it is crucial that you invest your wealth wisely and profitably.

The wealth you have built up represents your hard work, your vision and your financial discipline. It is not only important for your own livelihood, but also for the future of your family and generations to come. It is therefore essential that you invest your money well to protect and grow it.

Mutter mit Kind am Segelboot

By managing your assets wisely, you can not only preserve your wealth, but also build on it and secure it for future generations. So that your assets have a future!

Vater mit Kind

Inflation and changing economic conditions can erode the value of your assets over time. You can counteract this through targeted investment.

The first steps towards wealth management

The initial consultation forms the basis of wealth management in order to develop a customised management strategy.

Mag. Dietmar Janovec, Head of Customer Service Raiffeisen Vermögensverwaltung
Mag. Dietmar Janovec, Leiter Kundenbetreuung Raiffeisen Vermögensverwaltung

Our experienced team of financial experts is on hand to help you choose the right investment strategies. We carefully analyse the various options and work with you to develop a tailor-made strategy that is aligned with your financial goals and wishes.

Frau in weißer Bluse sitzt unter Baum vor Bürogebäude

In addition to the personal support of your Raiffeisen advisor, a team of experts with many years of experience is at your side to manage your assets, drawing on extensive market experience in addition to their professional expertise. Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft is one of the leading providers of asset and wealth management in Austria.

What forms of wealth management are there?

There are basically two different types to choose from: standardised portfolios and the individual portfolio.

Raiffeisen VIPnachhaltig

Issues such as the environment, social justice, and responsible corporate governance are taken into consideration as part of sustainable investment. Good quality companies with sustainable business practices use resources sparingly and rely on satisfied employees as the key to success. Consequently, investing in such companies offers interesting opportunities for the long term. The focus of the five Raiffeisen VIPnachhaltig strategies is on sustainable bond and equity investments at the global level. The portfolios are invested with an eye to market performance, and thus performance is essentially determined by the development of assets on the traditional bond and equity markets. Sustainability-related disclosures

The products and current ranges for the specific asset classes are the following:

Raiffeisen VIPnachhaltig 35: 0% to 35% equities (average: 25%)
Raiffeisen VIPnachhaltig 50: 0% to 50% equities (average: 35%)
Raiffeisen VIPnachhaltig 75: 20% to 75% equities (average: 52,5%)
Raiffeisen VIPnachhaltig 100: 40% to 100% equities (average: 80%)

Raiffeisen VIPindividual

Raiffeisen VIPindividual is a market-oriented investment for investors who expect personalised solutions and strategies for freely available cash or securities assets of EUR 500,000 and more. Private and institutional investors have the option of selecting the classic or sustainable alternatives of VIPindividual.

Special investment needs

  • Specific asset classes (e.g. equities, bonds) can be combined individually

  • Special cashflow considerations (building up or working down assets, etc.) can be taken into account in the course of asset management

  • Personalised risk limits can be set

Product characteristics

  • Market-oriented, sustainable asset management based on individual needs and requirements, along with personalised solutions and strategies

  • This may result in higher risk, depending on the weighting of specific asset classes


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"Meine Vermögensverwaltung"

Always informed when it comes to your wealth management.


Investments in portfolios are associated with higher risks, including capital losses.

General Terms and Conditions of Business for Raiffeisen Vermögensverwaltung: General Terms and Conditions of business (AGB) and in comparison