40 years of expertise and vision
Raiffeisen KAG celebrates its 40th anniversary and looks back on four successful decades.
From domestic fund provider to pan-European player
Since its foundation in 1985, the company has developed from a fund company for the Raiffeisen banking sector into a pan-European player with an international customer portfolio. The aim was and remains to be a reliable investment partner for investors.
On December 17, 1985, with the launch of the first fund, the bond fund Raiffeisen-EuroPlus-Rent (now Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Rent), the foundation was laid for the diverse product portfolio of Raiffeisen KAG. Just two years later, the portfolio included eight investment funds, including the first large investor fund. Despite the economic upheavals of the 1980s, Raiffeisen KAG succeeded in building trust and continuously expanding its offerings. In 1987, Raiffeisen Vermögensverwaltung GmbH was founded, which has since specialized in serving wealthy private clients.
Expansion of sales in foreign markets
In the 1990s, Raiffeisen KAG took the lead among Austrian fund companies for many years and became the market leader. At the same time, the decade was characterised by innovation and expansion. The product range already comprised more than 50 investment funds. The introduction of the internet revolutionised the financial sector, and Raiffeisen KAG used this development to digitalise its services and offer its customers better access to information and investment opportunities. Several relocations due to the increasing number of employees and the expansion of sales into foreign markets, particularly Italy, Germany and - somewhat later - Central and Eastern Europe, were part of this dynamic development.
The turn of the millennium brought new challenges. The dotcom bubble and the subsequent recession presented the global economy - and in its wake the capital markets - with major challenges. However, this period also saw the emergence and growth phase of the listed Austrian property sector.
Following this trend, Raiffeisen KAG founded Raiffeisen Immobilien Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft in 2003, which, like the companies founded before it, was placed under the umbrella brand Raiffeisen Capital Management, established in 2002, and which still manages property funds for institutional investors very successfully today.
The financial crisis of 2008 had significant impacts on the fund industry. In addition to the sharp decline in assets under management, there was also a massive loss of trust from investors. Due to its excellent customer relationships, Raiffeisen KAG was able to quickly regain the trust of investors, as evidenced by the increasing assets under management. However, the crisis also led to increased regulation and higher transparency requirements.
Change of strategy
Reorientation towards ESG investments
In 2013, Raiffeisen KAG implemented a change in strategy and initiated a reorientation towards ESG* investments. As a result, the majority of the funds were converted to responsible management and the investment process was adapted accordingly. As one of the "first movers" towards responsible investments, Raiffeisen KAG now has extensive expertise and a high level of credibility.

In September 2024, Raiffeisen KAG was awarded an AAA rating by the renowned rating agency Scope for the third time in a row for its excellent quality and expertise in the management of sustainable fund strategies. Today, around 56% of total assets under management (44 billion euros as at 31 December 2024) are managed responsibly.
With a fund volume of around 5 billion euros, the fund Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Mix is currently not only the highest-volume mutual fund in Austria, but is also one of the largest funds in its peer group in Europe.
Innovative product solutions in demand: changing customer expectations
Raiffeisen KAG's product range has also changed over the years. In addition to actively managed funds, the company also focuses on innovative product solutions such as Index-Selection-Equity, which combines the features of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) with those of active fund management.

Raiffeisen Capital Management also addresses the changing needs of investors, in this case institutional investors, with its R-Ratio-Fonds. The market-oriented, responsibly investing funds are orientated towards the respective MSCI indices in line with their investment focus. Their aim is to achieve a carbon footprint that is only half as large and, if possible, even smaller. In general, institutional investors are now much more open to investing in alternative investments. Private Markets* are becoming increasingly important for this customer segment. Raiffeisen KAG will prioritise this development for new product solutions in the private market segment in the future. Raiffeisen Capital Management offers a wide range of services for large investors, ranging from customised, individually structured special funds and nostro investments to Advisory Mandates* and Master Funds*.
Tools for the future: customer proximity, expertise and foresight
Today, 40 years after its foundation, Raiffeisen KAG can look back on an impressive success story. With a clear focus on innovation, digitalisation, excellent customer service and outstanding products, the company is ideally equipped to help customers achieve their financial goals.
Digital systems and artificial intelligence: from "nice to have" to "must-have"
Over the last ten years, digitalisation has become even more important and is now a strategic priority. Raiffeisen KAG has actively driven forward corresponding developments and brought its processes up to the latest state of the art. Customers are provided with efficient and comprehensive digital services. The use of artificial intelligence and other digital technologies has further improved the effectiveness of processes and the range of services.
Raiffeisen Wealth Management goes digital
Speaking of digitalisation, it now also plays a major role at Raiffeisen Wealth Management, which continues to offer its own product solutions for wealthy private clients and manages portfolios for them. Even – or especially – in this high-end area, investors expect service at the highest level.
In January 2025, Raiffeisen KAG acquired the digital wealth management company Savity GmbH (Savity for short). This acquisition enables us to meet the increased demands of our private customers with customised, state-of-the-art digital solutions. Not only that, but our sales partners will also be able to work with Savity's technical platform in future, enabling them to offer improved and more customised solutions in the area of wealth management.
Raiffeisen KAG remains true to its values of professionalism, customer focus and foresight.
Further information
- ESG stands for environment (E), social (S) and good governance (G).
- Assets under management refers to the total sum of client assets managed by the investment management company.
- Private Markets is understood as an asset class that is not listed on the stock exchange. Therefore, the assets are more illiquid, and no ongoing prices are formed. In return, Private Markets allow investments in assets that are not accessible through stock market trading.
- Advisory Mandates differ from management mandates in that the investment management company does not make the investment decisions itself but only implements those of the fund; the title decisions are made by the client.
- A master fund to consolidate or establish smaller funds (feeder funds) with the same investment structure.effectively and cost-effectively than many small (feeder) funds.
The investment strategy permits the fund Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Rent to predominantly (relative to the associated risk) invest in derivatives.
The Fund Regulations of the fund Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Rent have been approved by the FMA. The fund may invest more than 35 % of the fund's volume in securities/money market instruments of the following issuers: France, Netherlands, Austria, Italy, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Finland, Germany. According to its investment strategy, the fund Index-Selection-Equity mainly invests in other investment funds. The funds Index-Selection-Equity, R-Ratio-EuropaAktien, R-Ratio-GlobalAktien, R-Ratio-PazifikAktien, and R-Ratio-USAktien exhibit elevated volatility, meaning that unit prices can move significantly higher or lower in short periods of time, and it is not possible to rule out loss of capital.