Awards for Raiffeisen Vermögensverwaltung

Award for the Raiffeisen VIPclassic 35 and Raiffeisen VIPnachhaltig 35 strategies by Institute for Asset Accumulation (IVA, Institut für Vermögensaufbau)

Certified quality depot : awarded wih the maximum of five stars

As a result of the certification process, Raiffeisen Vermögensverwaltung was awarded the quality seal “Certified Quality Depot” for the strategy of Raiffeisen VIPclassic 35 for an excellent risk-return profile and received the highest ranking of five stars and the highest ranking of five trees for the strategy of Raiffeisen VIPnachhaltig 50. The other market-oriented strategies in the product categories Raiffeisen VIPclassic, VIPnachhaltig, and VIPindividual are managed identically, based on a uniform investment approach. The difference is in the risk-return ratio resulting from the weighting of asset classes (equities, bonds, etc.).

Certificate (in German only available)

Quality label wealth management

Naturally, we are committed to repeating these excellent results in the future as well, although past results are not suitable for forecasting future performance. Like all other capital market products, the securities contained in the portfolios are affected by fluctuations on the capital market, which can possibly also have a negative impact.