Sustainability at all levels

Learn more about the following topics

Investing with a sustainable focus

What is really sustainable and what does responsible investing depend on?

"With an investment in sustainable funds, I can promote responsible business practices among companies and countries."

Thematic areas of a sustainable future

We illuminate future issues from the various perspectives of sustainability.

Frau mit Sonnenhut in mediterraner Umgebung holt Ernte vom Feld ein

Future topics that affect us all

As a sustainably oriented fund company, it is important for us to deal intensively with the ecologically and socially relevant issues of our time and to develop positions on an investor’s perspective on how we stand on these issues and deal with the challenges they entail.

Solar und Windkraftwerke, Sonnenenergie, nachhaltige Energie

Energy transition

One of the most important ways to limit climate change is to push forward with the energy transition.

Junge Frau mit Smartphone im Zug am Fenster blickt nachdenklich nach draußen

Investing in infrastructure

Find out how you can get on board the global infrastructure investment megatrend. Discover the opportunities and risks involved and uncover possible investment options in this vital sector!

Bauwirtschaft im Wandel

Sustainability in the construction industry

According to a UN report, 38% of global carbon emissions stem from the construction and building industry!

Nutrition for the world
Gender equality

Corporate Responsibility

Raiffeisen Capital Management integrates the topic of sustainability at all levels of the company.


The information brochure SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT highlights current key topics on a quarterly basis.

Artificial intelligence

Sustainability in the construction industry

Net Zero

Nuclear power

Nutrition for the world

Peace and justice

Gender Equality

Carbon Pricing

Energy Transition


Demografic Change

Fast Fashion

Policies & Reports

Sustainability Policy

Climate Strategy


Principal Adverse Impacts Policy

Food speculation

Coal sector

Nuclear Policy

Controversial Weapons


Engagement Policy

Impact Report

Other reports and publications

Current Sustainability Report (RBI)

Sustainability-related disclosures

Sustainability-related disclosures: Product-related sustainability-related disclosures can be found under "Courses and documents".

Explanation of the main adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors

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