Sustainability is a central component of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) Group’s business policy, and is considered to mean responsible corporate action for long-term business success, in harmony with environmental and social goals. The principles that apply to the company as a whole are particularly relevant for the business segment of sustainable funds.

Raiffeisen Capital Management (resp. Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage GmbH or Raiffeisen KAG) launched the first Raiffeisen fund that invested according to ethical and sustainable criteria 20 years ago. Since then, not only has the range of funds on offer been continuously expanded, but the dialogue with clients and stakeholders has also been intensified. As an active member of numerous associations and interest representation organisations, Raiffeisen KAG supports development in an area of financial economics that benefits the environment, society, and the economy equally.

Voluntary commitments

Raiffeisen Sustainability Initiative

Raiffeisen KAG is a founding member of the Raiffeisen Climate Protection Initiative, which was founded in 2007 and renamed the Raiffeisen Sustainability Initiative (RNI) in the autumn of 2017. The RNI is a platform, service, and representation body for its members’ activities in the field of sustainability. The guiding principles are oriented towards a sustainable eco-social market economy and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The RNI supports its members in the design, implementation, and communication of measures related to this topic. Promoting sustainability and corresponding awareness raising efforts are among the priorities of the platform. Over 20 companies have already joined the RNI – from the food and industrial goods company Agrana to Valida Vorsorge Management, the competence centre for company pension schemes operated by Raiffeisen Banking Group and Uniqa Insurance. In cooperation with the Federal Environment Agency, the RSI developed a climate policy and strategy for these member organisations, which serves as a framework for orientation and action. In the course of the climate strategy process, three core areas were defined with a total of 21 areas of action, which represent the pillars of the climate strategy. The meta goal for 2050 is decarbonisation, which ultimately means that energy needs must be largely covered by renewable sources, energy efficiency must be increased significantly, and energy consumption must be reduced by the middle of the century.

Principles for Responsible Investment

In addition, Raiffeisen KAG was one of the first asset management companies in Austria to become a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) of the United Nations, all the way back in 2013. The goal of the initiative is to support the signatories in integrating ESG topics into their investment decision-making processes in order to contribute to achieving a more sustainable global financial system. Among other measures, the PRI supports the Montréal Carbon Pledge, which was established in 2014.

Montréal Carbon Pledge

The international organisation Montréal Carbon Pledge aims to facilitate a higher degree of transparency in connection with the carbon footprint of equity portfolios and to contribute to its reduction in the long run. By signing the agreement, investors undertake to measure and publish the carbon footprint of their portfolios on an annual basis.

Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative, PRI und Montréal Carbon Pledge

Additional memberships and initiatives

  • Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG)is the industry association for sustainable investments in Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. It actively promotes the development, transparency and quality of sustainable financial products and awards the FNG Label. Raiffeisen KAG has been an active member of the FNG since 2009.​

  • Ökofinanz-21 is a network of sustainable consultants and was founded in 2003. The association has long been calling for ethical, ecological and social criteria to become an obligatory part of the advisory process. ​

  • The aim of the Climate Aktion 100+ initiative is to support companies that are responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions in taking the necessary steps to stop climate change.

Additional memberships and initiatives
  • CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) is a non-profit organisation. It collects and publishes environmental impact data (such as greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption) from companies and municipalities. CDP manages what is now the largest database of its kind worldwide.​

  • The Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile (FFS) is a multi-stakeholder organisation with the aim of promoting sustainable investments in Italy. Raiffeisen KAG has been an active member since 2016.​

  • We are a proud Member of the FAIRR Initiative’s investor network, helping to build a more sustainable food system by raising awareness of the material risks and opportunities present in global protein supply chains.​

Carbon Disclosure Project, Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile und FAIRR-Initiative
  • As international group of asset managers, the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative (NZAM) is partner of the Race to Zero Campaign and as such committed to support the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Raiffeisen KAG joined NZAM in December 2022.

  • Race To Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.​

  • The Finance for Biodiversity Pledge is a voluntary commitment by financial institutions aimed at stopping biodiversity loss and contributing to sustainably manage natural resources. The goal is to protect and restore biodiversity through financial activities and investments, and to raise awareness among global leaders about biodiversity-related risks and opportunities. ​

  • The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation was established as part of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge to develop industry standards for increasing transparency of biodiversity risks and opportunities, working towards science-based targets, and facilitating knowledge transfer within the financial industry. Raiffeisen KAG has signed the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge and is a member of the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation since 2023.

  • Nature Action 100 is a global investor engagement initiative focused on driving greater corporate ambition and action to reduce nature and biodiversity loss. Investors participating in the initiative engage companies in key sectors that are deemed to be systemically important in reversing nature and biodiversity loss by 2030.

Net Zero Asset Managers initiative

This content is only intended for institutional investors.
