Learn more about the following topics
Sustainability at Raiffeisen Capital Management
Today, sustainable and responsible investing is one of the core competencies of Raiffeisen Capital Management (which stands for Raiffeisen KAG). The fund company pursues a very demanding course with regard to ESG criteria, which has received a great deal of international attention and recognition. Last fall, Raiffeisen Capital Management was one of very few fund companies in Europe to receive an AAA rating from the German rating agency Scope for its outstanding quality in the management of sustainable funds.
On this page you can find out,
and what you need to bear in mind. We explain ourwhat we mean by responsible investing and important terms such as ESG, engagement and impact investing. Yes, sustainability can also generate returns - the good thing is that sustainable investing has an impact, because the more investors pay attention to whether companies or countries invest in an ecologically, economically and socially responsible manner, the greater the impact.investment process For us as an investment company, structured engagement with forward-looking issues is undoubtedly an important part of our work. For example, climate change and the resulting need for an energy transition are probably among the most pressing issues of our time. Enormous investments in new technologies, infrastructure, etc. are needed for the energy transition to work.
In the information magazine
, we take a detailed look at relevant key topics and provide interesting insights and background information.INVESTMENT ZUKUNFT Transparency is very important to us, which is why we regularly publish publications and reports. Under
, for example, you will find our engagement report, carbon footprint report, sustainability policies, impact reports, etc.Policies & Reports
Investing with a sustainable focus
What is really sustainable and what does responsible investing depend on?
"With an investment in sustainable funds, I can promote responsible business practices among companies and countries."
Thematic areas of a sustainable future
We illuminate future issues from the various perspectives of sustainability.

Future transformation topics that affect us all
As a sustainably oriented fund company, it is important for us to deal intensively with the ecologically and socially relevant issues of our time and to develop positions on an investor’s perspective on how we stand on these issues and deal with the challenges they entail.

Energy transition
One of the most important ways to limit climate change is to push forward with the energy transition.

Investing in infrastructure
Find out how you can get on board the global infrastructure investment megatrend. Discover the opportunities and risks involved and uncover possible investment options in this vital sector!
Sustainability in the construction industry
According to a UN report, 38% of global carbon emissions stem from the construction and building industry!
Corporate Responsibility
Raiffeisen Capital Management integrates the topic of sustainability at all levels of the company.
The information brochure INVESTMENT ZUKUNFT (former SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT) highlights current key topics on a quarterly basis.

Issue "The future of flying": read it now!
In the current issue, Raiffeisen Capital Management is taking a look at the future of flying.
World's oceans
Artificial intelligence
Sustainability in the construction industry
Net Zero
Nuclear power
Nutrition for the world
Peace and justice
Gender Equality
Carbon Pricing
Energy Transition
Demografic Change
Fast Fashion
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Policies & Reports
Sustainability-related disclosures
Sustainability-related disclosures: Product-related sustainability-related disclosures can be found under "Courses and documents".
Explanation of the main adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors