What are the Future Transformation Topics for investing?
As a sustainably oriented fund company, it is important for us to deal intensively with the ecologically and socially relevant issues of our time and to develop positions on an investor’s perspective on how we stand on these issues and deal with the challenges they entail.
Due to the high importance of the topics of the future, we therefore defined our so-called “Zukunfts-Themen” at Raiffeisen Capital Management that we consider to be particulary relevant. These Zukunfts-Themen will be analyzed in a structured manner by interdisciplinary teams in fund management and will be prepared from the investor's point of view.
Future Transformation Topics at Raiffeisen Capital Management
The following list isn’t static at all and is aligned to geopolitical, global and environmental developments and will be expanded continuously. Currently, these are the topics of
raw materials
mobility and
health, nutrition & wellbeing.
Knowledge and know-how as the backbone of forward-looking investment decisions
The framework within which the various teams at Raiffeisen Capital Management illuminate these cross-sectional topics is the meta topic of sustainability – an assessment in terms of ESG is a central aspect in the discussion.
The goal is to strengthen dialogue and knowledge-building within the company through the interconnection of themes and teams, to generate a well-founded corporate perspective (policy) on the individual main topics, and ideally, to develop innovative investment products for the investors of Raiffeisen Capital Management. > to the fund overview of Raiffeisen Capital Management.

Why do we need Future Transformation Topics?
What issues and developments are driving society? What problems need to be solved? Which innovations and scientific findings will bring us forward? What moves people also concerns the economy. And what the economy is concerned with is almost always of great relevance to investors because that is also where capital flows.
Future Transformation Topics that concern us all
Future Transformation Topics as important pillars: Learn more about each Future Transformation Topic!

Circular economy
Statistically speaking, every European consumes roughly 14 tonnes of raw materials and causes around 5 tonnes of waste per year on average. These figures very clearly drive home the importance and the potential of the circular economy when it comes to ensuring a sustainable future. With this in mind, the circular economy must be included in the Zukunfts-Themen (future topics) defined by Raiffeisen Capital Management.
Investing in Future Transformation
What issues and developments are driving society? Find out more about these "Future Transformation Topics" in many videos and interesting articles at investment-zukunft!