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Innovation is changing the investment landscape

The management of Raiffeisen KAG (Raiffeisen Capital Management) presented the market data for the first half of 2024 at a press conference today.

Emerging Markets: nachhaltig investieren – Transformation begleiten

Emerging markets: investing sustainably

At a press conference, Raiffeisen Capital Management put emerging markets centre stage. Many important sectors such as energy, infrastructure, mobility and technology are strongly affected by the transformation towards greater sustainability. The emerging markets play a key role in this transformation.

Future Talk with Sandra Wachter, Günther Schmitt and CEO Hannes Cizek about artifical intelligence

Future Talk: Artificial intelligence

As part of the background discussion series "Future Talks", Raiffeisen KAG today focused on artificial intelligence. When people talk about artificial intelligence (AI), the topic still has a very strong science fiction aura.

18 funds receiving highest score "3-stars"

Scope Rating: Again top rating for Raiffeisen Capital Management

Karin Kunrath, Chief Investment Officer der Raiffeisen KAG

Karin Kunrath becomes new CIO of Raiffeisen KAG

Raiffeisen KAG has appointed Karin Kunrath to one of its most important management positions in the company, namely that of Chief Investment Officer (CIO). The highly qualified financial market expert took up her new position at the largest asset manager of the Raiffeisen Banking Group on 1 November 2023.

Fund investments pick up speed again

Bond markets remain exciting – nothing happens without ESG anymore

Hannes Cizek becomes new CEO of Raiffeisen KAG

Press Contact

We will be happy to answer any inquiries you may have about the company.

Andrea Pelinka-Kinz

Dr. Andrea Pelinka-Kinz

Spokeswoman Raiffeisen KAG

Image materials Download

Cizek Hannes

Mag. Hannes Cizek, CEO of Raiffeisen KAG

Dieter Aigner

Mag. (FH) Dieter Aigner, Member of the Board of Raiffeisen KAG

Michal Kustra

Ing. Michal Kustra, Member of the Board of Raiffeisen KAG

Management team of Raiffeisen KAG
Management team of Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage GmbH (KAG)

From left to right: Hannes Cizek (Managing Director, CEO), Karin Kunrath (CIO), Barbara Graf-Büchl (Managing Director of Raiffeisen Immobilien KAG), Michal Kustra (Managing Director) and Dieter Aigner (Managing Director, CSIO)

Karin Kunrath, Chief Investment Officer der Raiffeisen KAG

Mag. Karin Kunrath, Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Raiffeisen KAG

Wolfgang Pinner

Mag. Wolfgang Pinner MBA, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Raiffeisen KAG

Burtscher Günther

Mag. Günther Burtscher, Member of the Board of Raiffeisen Immobilien KAG

Barbara Graf-Büchel

Dr. Barbara Graf-Büchl, Member of the Board of Raiffeisen Immobilien KAG